Thursday, November 29, 2007

#18 Zoho writer

I loved this - and the Google version. I actually came across in a work context just before I got to it in this training. I needed to use it as a tool for changing the language of a document into French, with the capability of using accents. But when I started to play around with it myself I then really loved it - mind you, at the time of writing this, I hadn't managed to post my little creation direct to this blog - but I'm going to keep playing...

#13, 14, 15 Tags etc!

I can see how tagging can be a useful search tool. I guess we could use it for research, but it is such an informal way of doing things, that the idea of getting 'authorititive resources' when researching will be severely challenged. Let's just say, I wouldn't use it as a first port of call when writing a thesis :-) The 2.0 articles were interesting, and I tend to agree that it is more about concept and attitude that the reality of the technology (after all, we are probably already behind the latest stuff even though we have newly been trained up). Embracing change is the key!

#16 Wikis

I have had the pleasure of using a wiki already for work purposes. I am involved in organising some training with a group of collegues (all of of us work at different kinds of libraries and it is hard to get our schedules together). It has been good to be able to access all of our notes from meetings at all times, and to add/edit them as required. The only thing that hasn't worked so well is the fact that we have put all notes on a single page, which is now very long and hard to find things on!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

#11 Library Thing

I have an embryonic library (must add a dictionary as my next book so I can check the spelling of embryonic!!). Adding a widget was cool - I have a secret desire to be able to understand HTML code. Gosh. I'm such a LIBRARIAN!!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

RSS feeds

Well, I have managed to create a monster with many feeds going into my bloglines account. I have some fun ones like 'about dogs', but also some bookwormy ones. I haven't added any libraryland ones yet, but it's so easy to do, I'm sure I'll not stop at the 14 or so I have already was nice to put in some of my fellow-librarians' blog spots too!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

# 7 Technology: Doodle scheduler

This is a great online tool:
Schedule an event…
… such as a board meeting, business lunch, conference call, family reunion, movie night, or any other group event.
I have used to organise meetings which normally require dozens of emails back and forth!
Check it out:

#6 FD toys

Made trading card! Thought this a really cute idea...

Nice to send to relos..

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

#5 Flickr

Hi all,

It was good to finally find out what Flickr was all about. People seem to get areal buzz out of publishing their own photos. I did a search on Italian Greyhounds (I have one and I love them) and found potentially endless hours of entertainment on that topis alone!

I am now trying to attach some pics from my recent holiday to Paris, Barcelona, Santorini and Athens on the blog for you to see..

Wish me luck!


Sunday, September 30, 2007

New Blog

Hi everyone!,
I am fairly new to blogs, although I have been dragged kicking into the world of 2.0 via by ex-Auroran friends (we have a blog). Mind you, I've been particularly hopeless in putting regular posts on that too. I seem to be still attached at the hip to my email - perhaps one day I'll get like that with blogs and wikis.
I just don't seem to have the hours or the inclination to spend my free time blogging when I am on the computer all the time at work!
When I get home I usually launch straight back out the door walking my dog, or taking a guitar lesson, or go for a swim etc etc etc
Still, I have just returned from o.s and it would've been very handy to have a blog I could post to while I was away... I should've thought of that earlier!

Maybe next time!