Sunday, September 30, 2007

New Blog

Hi everyone!,
I am fairly new to blogs, although I have been dragged kicking into the world of 2.0 via by ex-Auroran friends (we have a blog). Mind you, I've been particularly hopeless in putting regular posts on that too. I seem to be still attached at the hip to my email - perhaps one day I'll get like that with blogs and wikis.
I just don't seem to have the hours or the inclination to spend my free time blogging when I am on the computer all the time at work!
When I get home I usually launch straight back out the door walking my dog, or taking a guitar lesson, or go for a swim etc etc etc
Still, I have just returned from o.s and it would've been very handy to have a blog I could post to while I was away... I should've thought of that earlier!

Maybe next time!

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