Tuesday, October 2, 2007

#5 Flickr

Hi all,

It was good to finally find out what Flickr was all about. People seem to get areal buzz out of publishing their own photos. I did a search on Italian Greyhounds (I have one and I love them) and found potentially endless hours of entertainment on that topis alone!

I am now trying to attach some pics from my recent holiday to Paris, Barcelona, Santorini and Athens on the blog for you to see..

Wish me luck!



anna@thelibrary said...

Sure Beth,
Just make us all jealous of your glam holiday!! Does Paul know he is famous? : )

Dale said...

Fab photos! Can't wait to hear the stories attached.

Beth McKenzie said...

No Bella, Paul does not know he is famous....I have offended the Internet Ettiquette rules already. What did you have to point it out for???

Nerida Taylor said...

Nice blogging Beth, and lovely to see some pics of Paul! Of course we expect you to take the time to post some photos from Mauritius next year...